
다양한 인젝션 기술 본문

Security/07 Malware Technique

다양한 인젝션 기술

tmxk4221 2021. 4. 20. 13:52


1) DLL Injection


Dropper 3-1(DLL Injection)

0. 목차 0. 목차 1. DLL Injection이란 2. DLL Injection 유형 분석 2.1 분석환경 2.2 예제 소스 코드 및 컴파일 3. 분석 3.1 정적 분석 1) sub_4010F0((int)"explorer.exe") 2) CreateToolhelp32Snapshot() 3) su..


2) Process Hollowing


Dropper 3-2(Process Hollowing)

0. 목차 0. 목차 1. Process Hollowing이란 2. Process Hollowing 유형 분석 2.1 분석 환경 2.2 예제 소스 코드 및 컴파일 3. 분석 3.1 정적 분석 1) CreateProcessA() 2) CreateFileA(ExeName, 0x80000000, 1, 0,..

+) Process Hollowing 탐지 관련


Detecting Deceptive Process Hollowing Techniques Using HollowFind Volatility Plugin - Cysinfo

In this blog post we will look at different types of process hollowing techniques used in the wild to bypass, confuse, deflect and divert the forensic analysis. I also present a Volatility plugin hollowfind to detect these different types of process hollow


3) PE Injection


Dropper 3-3(PE Injection)

0. 목차 Contents 0. 목차 1. PE Injection이란 2. PE Injection 유형 분석 2.1 분석 환경 2.2 예제 소스 코드 3. 분석 3.1 정적 분석 start() doit() 1) lpAddress = GetModuleHandleA(0); 2) dwProcessId = find..


4) Thread Injection


Dropper 3-4(Thread Injection)

0. 목차 Contents 0. 목차 1. Thread Injection이란 2. Thread Injection 유형 분석 2.1 분석 환경 2.2 예제 소스 코드 및 컴파일 3. 분석 3.1 정적 분석 start() 1) ProcessHandle = (HANDLE)OpenProcess(0x42A,..


5) Reflective DLL Injection


Reflective DLL Injection

0. 목차 Contents 0. 목차 1. Reflective DLL Injection 1.1 배경 1.2 DLL Injection과 Reflective DLL Injection 1) DLL Injection 2) Reflective DLL Injection 1.3 차이점 2. Reflective DLL Injection 유형 분..


6) APC Injection


APC Injection

0. 목차 Contents 0. 목차 1. APC Injection이란 비동기 프로시저 호출 (APC) Alertable State란? QueueUserAPC 2. 동작 과정 3. APC DLL Injection 디버깅 msg.dll - 인젝션되는 DLL 4. 참고자료 1. APC Injectio..


7) SetWindowsHookEx DLL Injection


SetWindowsHookEx DLL Injection

1. SetWindowsHookEx() MS에서는 프로세스간에 주고 받는 메시지를 후킹할 수 있는 함수를 제공해주는 데 그것이 바로 SetWindowsHookEx() 라는 함수이다. idHook 후킹하고자 하는 메시지의 ID(메시지 유형은 ms


8) shim DLL Injection



새롭게 추가된 인젝션 기술 → 앞으로 이것도 분석하면서 추가할 것


원자 폭탄(Atom bomb)


AtomBombing – A New Code Injection Attack




Hexacorn | Blog PROPagate – a new code injection trick

October 26, 2017 in Anti-*, Code Injection, Compromise Detection, EDR, Incident Response, Malware Analysis, Reversing, Sandboxing Executing code inside a different process space is typically achieved via an injected DLL /system-wide hooks, sideloading, etc


프로세스 도플갱어


고스트 훅(Ghost Hook)


GhostHook – Bypassing PatchGuard with Processor Trace Based Hooking

The GhostHook technique we discovered can provide malicious actors or information security products with the ability to hook almost any piece of code running on the machine.




gargoyle, a memory scanning evasion technique

gargoyle is a technique for hiding all of a program’s executable code in non-executable memory. At some programmer-defined interval, gargoyle will wake up–and with some ROP trickery–mark itself executable and do some work: The technique is demonstrat


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DLL Injection using shim  (0) 2021.04.22
SetWindowsHookEx DLL Injection  (0) 2021.04.20
APC Injection  (4) 2021.04.19
악성코드 기능  (0) 2021.04.18